Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Yesterday was Tate and Emmy's 7 month birthday. It is so hard to believe! Their first birthday will be here before we know it. They are growing up so fast and learn new things everyday.

They are both sitting up on their own and love to play with each other. They are very interested in their surroundings and are very observant.

Their days are filled with playing, sleeping, and eating. Emmy is starting to come around to baby food and Tate is still eating everything we give him.

They love for family and friends to come and visit. All you have to do is look at them and they will give you a huge grin. We are truly blessed each and everyday with Tate and Emmy.


Anonymous said...

Melba & Erika loved the pictures. What beautiful babies. You are so blessed.

Anonymous said...

The twins are so photogenic! How did the J.C. Penny ad get Tate's picture?
