Thursday, May 29, 2008

Teaching About Jesus...

Last night, before the kids finally went to bed, Brad and I got a lesson about Jesus from two 2 year olds. After we went through our nightly routine, books, prayers,wrestling, Tate decided to use Emmy's table as a pulpit and teach us about Jesus.
He was very serious as he told us to sit down and he was going to teach us about Jesus. He started out with Mary and Joseph and they had a "itty-bitty" baby named Jesus. Now, Jesus was born and he is the Son of God. "And Jesus loves us very much"....This is where a sheppard came in the story, then Tate said some things we could not understand and then he said, "And then there was Baby Lyla, but there was just one baby Lyla, you see, OK?"
So, while we are not sure of where exactly the story went from Mary to baby Lyla, it was sweet to hear our son teaching us about Jesus.
While he was busy with his sermon, Emmy decided she was the music director of this church and broke into "Jesus Loves the Little Children" and "Jesus Loves Me."
Brad and I just sat there in the floor listening to their little minds try to explain what they have learned at home, church and school. The beginning of the service.

Tate reading from the "Bible"
(This was actually a copy of "The Itsy-Bitsy Spider")

Brining the message about Jesus to his audience
(This included Mommy, Daddy, Emmy, Mickey and Minnie Mouse...notice Blue Turtle is his assistant)
Still going with his story...
Here is Emmy and her musical performance
What a great service, Sissy!!!

Splash Park

Yesterday, we took the kids over to a "splash park" in McKinney. They had a great time running around in the water and playing on the playground. So much fun!
Emmy on the run.

They loved the water spouts
Jumping high

Riding in the airplane

Best Friends

Emmy pushing the button to start the water


What a fun day!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Busy Weekend...

We had a very busy Memorial Day Weekend...
On Friday, we went to Toys R Us to get the kids a bounce house. They enjoyed it for about an hour before they both went down for a 3 hour nap! :) Emmy enjoying the new toy.
Tate was very excited about it!
On Friday night, we had a Sunday School social/cookout at The Wright's house. The kids loved the backyard, especially this old train they had out there. They played for 3 hours straight outside and went home exhausted and very dirty!

Then, on Saturday we had Alli's birthday party at The Little Gym.
Emmy on the balance beam
Gymnast Tate

On Sunday, we went to Mimi and Papaw's house for a cookout...
The kids got to swim for the first time this year...

Tate and Daddy trying to convince Emmy to get in...

Emmy and Uncle B swimming

Papaw, Emmy, Uncle B, Brody B, Daddy and Tate in the pool

Emmy and Papaw swimming

Tate and Papaw swimming

Tate, Emmy and Brody B.

After the kids swam, they had some yummy ice cream...

Trouble did not get far from Tate, and even got the left over cone. :)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Last Day of School...

Yesterday, was the kids last day at school for this year. I know we will all miss it this summer, but the kids will enjoy some time off and are looking forward to September when they will start the three year old class two days a week. The kids had a great year at school. Here are some pictures to see how they have grown over the past 9 months...
Emmy... August 28, 2007
Height 34 1/2"
Weight 28lb.

May 20, 2008

Height 36 1/2"

Weight 29 lb.

This was the picture they took at school last week.

August 28, 2007

Height 35 1/2"

Weight 30 lb.

May 20, 2008

Height 38 1/2"

Weight 31lb.

They did a project on friends and guess who each of them picked for their friend....

Monday, May 19, 2008

Bye, Bye Cribs!!!

Well, we finally made the jump from cribs to beds this weekend. We have been so blessed that the kids have stayed in their cribs this long without trying to get out. :) Along with the new beds they got their own rooms. At least, Emmy will have her own room until September. So far, the kids love the new rooms and have slept soundly for two nights and one nap in their beds.
Tate's Room... Here is the view from the door. Uncle B and Auntie M were nice enough to let us use Uncle B's old furniture for Tate. It goes perfect with the cowboy theme. We are still working on the walls and window coverings.
The "curtain" was Brad's idea. The kids are calling the area the "bunkhouse clubhouse". It is amazing the amount of stuff they can fit under there!!
Tate all comfy in his new bed this morning.

Emmy's Room...
Well, she finally has her pink, girly room. :) The walls are not finished yet. We are going to add a dark pink stripe to the wall and white beaded board to the bottom half of the room. My friend Misty is going to be making the bedding for Lyla and the rest for Emmy's bed.

Emmy asleep yesterday at nap time. She likes to put her head at the other end of the bed. :)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Mother's Day Fun...

On Sunday, we made the drive to Clifton for Mother's Day.
We met everyone at church for Miss Ellie's baby dedication. Afterwards, we went to Boots and Banty's house to eat lunch and visit.
It was a beautiful day, so we spent most of it outside. Me and my little ones. Hard to believe next year there will be three!! :)

Me and Emmy

While we were hanging out in the front yard, we found a nest of baby rabbits.

Boots, Tate, Emmy and Uncle Rooster watching one of the bunnies.

Tate getting a closer look.

Taking a ride in the jeep with Boots and Daddy

This was our attempt at a photo shoot with the kids.
(Don't ask why my kids decided to take their clothes off.)

Banty with her three kiddos.

Laci, Adam and Brad

On another note, we went to the doctor on Tuesday and everything still looks great. I am 21 weeks pregnant today...over half way done. We are set to deliver on September 18th by scheduled c-section, unless she decides to come a little early.

We have decided on the first name of Lyla, but are still in discussion about the middle name. We are taking suggestions!!! :) We will keep everyone updated!