Friday, September 26, 2008

First Day...

Lyla had a great first day and night at home. She is a good sleeper and eater.
Thanks to the NICU she is on a great established schedule already. She eats every three hours and pretty much sleep in between.
Hopefully, this will continue. :) Wide awake in her bouncy seat.
Sound asleep in her bassinet.
(Thank you Cousin Ellie for letting us borrow it.)

We were laughing because she was holding her bottle last night on her own. :)

She is so much better of an eater than Tate and Emmy ever were.


Princess Ellie said...

look at you holding that bottle ! This girl likes to eat ! Miss Lyla you are so beautiful ! love you !

aunt laci

Leslie said...

What a cutie she is!!!

Biscuit said...

Haha! That is so cute, holding her bottle so soon! With two other little eaters in the house maybe she's worried. Gotta make sure to get that food! :)

Courtney said...

She's gorgeous Brandy! Congrats!

Honey said...

That's one beautiful girl!!!

love you!!


Banty said...

We are so glad to get you and Mommy home and glad you are doing so well! You are BEAUTIFUL!
love banty